"There is a paucity of pan-European research on the state of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) from the perspective of the phy...

ler artigo


"In Portugal, new medical graduates undertake every year the Exame Nacional de Seriação, to be ranked for the avaiable postgraduate...

ler artigo

"Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for children with end stage renal disease with positive impact on survival and quality of life. However, some co...

ler artigo

"Smoking prevalence in Portugal is estimated to be 19.7% (2005). Smoking is prevalent in anxiety disorders. Studies report that 60% of smokers have a history of d...

ler artigo


"Em momentos de dificuldade económica geral é natural que (re)nasça a discussão dos...

ler artigo

Este artigo da Acta Médica Portuguesa, poedrá ser consultado em:


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"In the present article we evaluate and comment the systematic review from Cochrane Collaboration “Effect of longer-term modest salt reduct...

ler artigo


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