“Necrotizing pneumonia is a rare complication of community-acquired pneumonia associated with destruction of the lung tissue during the infectio...

ler artigo


“Psoriasis is an inflammatory dermatosis, affecting approximately 2% of the population, with predominantly skin and joint involvement but also a...

ler artigo


“Computed tomography (CT) scans of the spine are among the most frequently performed neuroradiologic exams, studying several pathologies namely ...

ler artigo


“: Malnutrition is an imbalance between spending and the need of nutrients. The prevalence of hospital malnutrition is increasing according to r...

ler artigo


“Burnout Syndrome is characterized by feelings of physical and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, a...

ler artigo


“One third of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) will have diabetes or impaired glucose metabolism at postpartum screening… /...

ler artigo


“Os acidentes vasculares cerebrais constituem entre nós um flagelo, dada a sua elevada incidência, pois enquanto nos paí...

ler artigo


“Chocolate craving can be defined as an intense, intrusive and irrepressible desire for the consumption of chocolate. It is a fairly unknown cli...

ler artigo


“Acute cerebellitis is usually infectious, post-infectious or post-vaccination. Rarer causes include toxic ones… /… As cerebelites...

ler artigo

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