Revista Científica da Ordem dos Médicos
O vírus citomegálico (CMV) é um tipo de vírus de ácido desoxirribonucleico de dupla cadeia que pertence...
O preconceito implícito tem sido associado a disparidades de género nas carreiras médicas, influenciando o acesso a c...
Psychiatric diseases are quite common in the global and national population, with an annual prevalence rate in Portugal of 16.5% for anxiety disorders and 7.9% for dep...
In recent years, climate change has gained more prominence, with a focus on the environmental impact on present and future generations, and on the creation of objectiv...
Ainda que tradicionalmente associada a intervenções de caráter populacional e medidas preventivas comunitárias...
A healthy primigravida with a 36-week gestation presented with fetal right ventriculomegaly. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an en...
O melanoma maligno anorretal, um tumor raro e agressivo, carece de sintomas específicos e apresenta frequentemente desafios diagn&o...
A 21-year-old male presented to the emergency department with right knee pain and swelling. A diagnosis of giant cell tumor of the bone (GCT) was made on magnetic reso...
«A 75-year-old woman presented with an ulcerated nail bed in the first toenail of the right foot, which evolved for two years. Initially self-diagnosed as onycho...